1950’s toy horse

I can finally share this now, because this gift was delivered to its one-day-old recipient yesterday!
My best friend is very pregnant with her first baby right now had her first baby early this week and I wanted to sew her a gift for her baby girl. Since we met at our local horseriding stable and still go riding there every week (well, she’s been on foot for the last few months obviously) what better gift than a toy horse!
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
Since seeing Casey’s adorable vintage plush elephant I’ve been scouring Etsy for similar patterns and came across this little horse. I love the fabric choice on the cover so even though I had lots of different fabrics to choose from I went with something almost identical in the end!
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
I’ve never made something quite this tiny before but it came together surprisingly easily. The construction is very well thought out and I loved all the little handstitching and finishing details.
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
The little guy is seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever made.
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy
vintage plush horse pattern. tidytipsy

34 thoughts on “1950’s toy horse

    1. Kristina

      Thank you πŸ™‚ I really enjoyed making it especially because of all these interesting techniques used to make the little details. It’s a really well thought out pattern!


  1. Serenity

    Awww! He is soooo cute! I want one πŸ™‚ I would not be able to sew something like that though. On my end, it looks quite challanging 😦 I am a novice sewer at best. I think you are a little bit better sew than me πŸ™‚ Nice work! πŸ™‚


      1. Serenity

        I have noticed that pictures on the internet look bigger but when you actually see them in real life they are smaller…I will look for a pattern and see if I can sew something up like him. I am sure the baby will love him lots!


          1. lvaletutto

            I got my pattern in the mail this week and am ready to get started on it. I was wondering where you got the red and white dot fabric that you used from? I too would like to stick with the original pattern idea!


  2. Nancy

    I actually still have a toy horse from when I was a baby in 1962, which has to have been made from this pattern. I’m very excited to see this pattern, and I may have to make a new one!


      1. Nancy

        I would love to make a new one, but I can’t find the pattern for sale anywhere. If anyone has one for sale or knows where one is for sale, please let me know. Thanks!


  3. Stina

    Hej Kristina, vielleicht bin in blind aber – kannst du mir den etsy Link zu dem Schnittmuster fΓΌr das Pony geben? Ist echt super süß geworden! Und der Stoff passt perfekt πŸ™‚


    1. Kristina

      Hi Stina, ich muss gestehen ich weiß gar nicht mehr in welchem Shop ich das damals gekauft hatte, das war noch mit einem anderen Account. Das Muster ist Simplicity 4915, es solte über Ebay und Etsy ganz gut zu finden sein!


  4. Kathi

    I made this horse for 4-H sewing when I was a teen. I made it in a black and white striped fabric so it would look like a Zebra. It was fun to make. I found the pattern again years ago and now that I’m retired, I’ll be making another one.


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