why buy when you can make? shapely boyfriend cardigan

Done, my first knitted cardigan is officially finished!
shapely boyfriend cardigan. little home by hand blog.
shapely boyfriend cardigan. little home by hand blog.
Can you tell I’m excited? I absolutely loved knitting this, it was a great evening project to have on hand while watching a series (soo hooked on Game of Thrones).
Started in late December it took just two months to complete. I’d been meaning to knit a cardigan for years but considered it beyond my skills. Why do we always let fear keep us from just jumping in? The Shapely Boyfriend cardigan turned out to be a very easy, straighforward pattern and an enjoyable knit. Not to mention I love the result!
My Ravelry Project page.
shapely boyfriend cardigan. little home by hand blog.
shapely boyfriend cardigan. little home by hand blog.
I knit the size 34 on Drops Nepal yarn in this lovely butterscotch yellow colorway. My knitting got looser after starting on the body and I worried the cardigan would turn out to be too big. My stokinette back and forth knitting is also much more uneven than when I knit on DPNs. Thankfully both issues were improved by washing and blocking and while it is a tiny bit big I’m completely in love with it!

I’m now a sweater knitting convert, I had so much fun making this that I can’t wait to start my next cardigan or sweater. I’ve been browsing patterns on Ravelry for days, trying to decide on my next project.
Buying natural clothing has been my goal for years. Cotton, silk or viscose shirts are not hard to find, but real wool sweaters is another matter. Wool is not only a natural fiber it also keeps warmer than synthetic fibers, important for me as I get cold so easily in winter. Finding that I can just knit my own is such a revelation!

The only changes I made to the pattern was to shorten it by about 10 rounds and to space the buttonholes more evenly between the ribbing (as a result it has only 6 buttons instead of 7)

shapely boyfriend cardigan. little home by hand blog.
Worn with my handmade half-circle skirt. The necklace is by Native Clutter on Etsy.

27 thoughts on “why buy when you can make? shapely boyfriend cardigan

  1. Stefanie Neumann

    Wow, toll!

    Der Cardigan sieht kuschelig warm aus und steht Dir gut. 🙂

    Ich kann nicht mal Socken stricken oder eine gerade naht nähen. Dabei wäre es so toll, sich eigene Kleidung machen zu können.
    (Vielleicht gebe ich dem Ganzen doch noch mal eine Chance…)

    Alles Liebe!


    1. Kristina Post author

      Danke schön, nähen und stricken sind definitiv Fertigkeiten, die man gut lernen kann. Braucht halt wie alles ein bisschen Zeit und Übung, aber es lohnt sich!


  2. awfully nice

    Kristina, it turned out perfect!!! I love it. It looks great, you did so well! It is my favorite kind of knitting (except for the price tag). Congratulations on your new addiction 😉


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks Lauren 🙂 I bought the Drops yarn on sale so I saved a ton on that. Had to buy new needles and the buttons though…still, I think a real wool cardigan in a shop would be much more expensive 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks, Zoe 🙂 I had a hard time picking the yarn and the color, but I’m so glad I chose the yellow in the end. It really cheers up the cold months!


  3. Liesl

    It turned out so great! It’s such a simple, classic shape and the yellow is a nice pop. And your shoes are perfection.
    (Though I always get nervous when I see people knitting with DPNs. I tried it once and it was disaster! There were too many needles to keep track of and the fear of stitches slipping off was stressing me out. Now I use the magic loop method.)


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks, Liesl 🙂 I actually LOVE knitting on DPNs! I started knitting socks early on as a teenager and working with 4 or 5 needles is second nature by now. You just need the right technique to hold them all together. Is magic loop when you work in the round with a circular needle? I did that for the ribbing because I didn’t have the right size DPNs and hated it, so it all comes down to personal preference I guess 🙂


  4. Neus

    Woww I’m impressed! I fear this knitting projects, It seems so difficult! But at the same time I really love the result!
    About your new blog: I think that it’s excellent, it has a really nice design!


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks Neus, you should try knitting, maybe a little cardigan for your girl? That would be a fast and not too hard project! Though I guess in Spain it is hardly ever cold enough to wear woolens?


  5. Lindsay

    Yay! I love it! Such a gorgeous colorway, and your mods are great.

    I was going really well on my cardigan, and then life got in the way and I haven’t picked it up in weeks. This has motivated me to keep going with it, though. I’d like to have mine done before the weather gets too warm to wear it.

    Also, I really dig your shoes. And Game of Thrones. 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks, Lindsay :)) I was wondering how you were getting along with yours! Do keep going with it, you’ll be so happy you did 🙂 Everyone seems to love the shoes! They’re a german brand ‘Liebeskind Berlin’.
      Isn’t Game of Thrones great? We’ve just started on Season 2, restraining us to only watching 2 episodes a week.


  6. Sarah

    Yay! I’d just been trying to remember where I first saw this pattern and now I know.
    I’m about halfway through the body of mine, I’ve linked to my Ravelry project.
    I’m a bit surprised how long it is – do you think that’s partly your tension? I suppose the advantage of top- down knitting is that I can stop if it’s looking too long 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      Hi Sarah, it is really long – and I actually shortened it by about 10 rows! I think it might be my tension but also I’m not very tall 😉
      Have fun making your cardigan!


  7. Pingback: waiting and making | little home by hand

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