knitting a fall wardrobe – alpenglühen cardigan

Feels good to be back here! I’ve been working on my Alpenglühen cardigan for so long, I began to doubt I would ever finish it.
But, 7 months after the first stitch, here it is:
Knitting a fall wardrobe - Alpengluhen Cardigan | little home by hand blogKnitting a fall wardrobe - Alpengluhen Cardigan | little home by hand blog
The yarn is Cascade 220 in the colorway Bright Red. I wanted a cheery but warm red (cool colors make my skin look even paler) and I remember agonizing over just the right shade of red for days, scouring Ravelry and pictures of different yarns and reds. In the end I ordered the Cascade yarn from France as it wasn’t available in this specific colorway in Germany.
Knitting a fall wardrobe - Alpengluhen Cardigan | little home by hand blog
Cables are actually fun to knit and they look much more complicated on a finished garment than they are to make!
Why did this cardigan take me so long?
For one thing, I am finding out more and more that I don’t enjoy working bottom up on cardigans. Top-down knitting is so much more motivating because the garment takes shape more quickly and you can try it on in between. Once I did get to the shoulder part I hated the many many wrap and turns the pattern called for and if you looked closely you could see I didn’t manage them very well. It was just not a fun project to work on and I would not knit this particular pattern again. Not because it’s a bad pattern (it’s wonderful, really) but because it just wasn’t for me.
Knitting a fall wardrobe - Alpengluhen Cardigan | little home by hand blog
The finished cardigan however? Simply gorgeous! Love the fit, love the cables, love the color to bits! I will be wanting to wear this every day once the weather gets cooler!

For those of you wondering where I’ve been in the past few weeks: I went to Scotland in July (to be blogged soon!) and had to take a spontaneous break in all things internet and social media due to some personal changes afterwards. All good though and one thing I can share is that we’ve just bought a house!
We’re super happy since demand for houses in our area is huge and prices are skyrocketing. We’ve been very lucky to find an affordable house we liked AND get it too (thanks to our super quick financial advisor who managed to secure a written statement from the bank that they would finance us within two hours!). We’ll get the keys to our snug and small terraced house in December and will be in before Christmas after some renovation and redecorating.
The last few weeks have been stressful since everything happened so fast and there were many many appointments we needed to fit in around our daily work schedules and many many things we needed to wrap our heads around when it came to financing it all. I’d never taken out a loan or been in debt before in my entire life and here I went getting myself a mortgage I’ll be paying off until I reach pension age! Scary, admittedly!
Now I’m looking forward to the more fun aspect of house buying – planning the rooms and the changes we’ll make. I’ll even have a small garden to plan for next year 🙂

On another note: I don’t usually comment on political stuff on here but Germany seems to get a lot of international attention these days for how we handle the refugee crisis. The amount of help people are offering and organising really is astonishing and heartwarming! I even have trouble finding a place to drop off donations these days since all storage spaces are full. Yes, some people are negative and scared here too but the overwhelming public feeling is one of empathy and welcoming. A proud time to be German and we Germans sure don’t say that lightly!

16 thoughts on “knitting a fall wardrobe – alpenglühen cardigan

  1. lvaletutto

    Beautiful cardigan! You did a wonderful job and the color choice is fabulous. Congrats on the purchase of your first house! What an exciting time it will be getting everything ready for your new home. 🙂


  2. Ingrid

    You should totally be proud! The images broadcasted on news sites have brought a tear to my eye a few times. Germany really did an amazing thing – let’s just hope the spirit has rubbed off on other countries too. And congratulations on your house 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      I really hope that too! What a win for humanity if we could all just get over our fears and be kind and welcoming. Who knows – we might need the same help one day.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. fraeuleinfamos

    Liebe Kristina,
    ich bin völlig begeistert von deinem Cardigan. Da stimmt ja wirklich einfach alles! Und ich finde die Farbe steht dir großartig – da hat sich die lange Suche und die Frankreich-Bestellung definitiv gelohnt.
    Nachdem ich mit dem Stricken jahrelang auf dem Kriegsfuß stand, mich aber in den letzten beiden Jahren immerhin von Schals bis auf Socken hochgearbeitet habe, plane ich, mich in dieser Stricksaison (im Somme “kann” ich irgendwie nicht) auch mal an einem “richtigen” Kleidungsstück zu versuchen. Wenn ich deine Bilder sehe, kann ich es kaum erwarten, anzufangen. 🙂
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Hauskauf! Das werden bestimmt ein bisschen anstrengende, aber auch aufregende Monate bis Weihnachten. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass mit Renovierung und Umzug alles glatt läuft!
    Liebe Grüße, Naomi


    1. Kristina Post author

      Vielen lieben Dank, Naomi 🙂 Hast du dir schon ein Strickmuster ausgeguckt? Kleidung stricken macht sooo viel Spaß und ist gar nicht so schwer wie man denkt!
      Ja, es werden anstrengende Monate, aber ich hoffe zu Weihnachten sitzen wir ganz glücklich und zufrieden im fertigen neuen Zuhause 🙂


  4. Kathryn

    This is such a gorgeous colour! Congratulations on buying a house too – it is scary to take on such a large debt, but worth it I’d say. I’m looking forward to seeing and reading about your trip to Scotland, I’m sure your photos will make me homesick!
    Yes, I hope the UK Government becomes a bit more welcoming, their atittude seems to be changing a bit but not quickly enough when help is needed now.


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thank you Kathryn 🙂 Scotland post coming as soon as possible! I do hope other countries change their way of handling the crisis. I do think it’s a huge logistical and organizational challenge but I believe Europe can do this!


  5. Nicky

    Beautiful sweater lady and you look amazing in it! Congrats on the new house purchase and yes … cheers to Germany for all that it’s doing in the refugee crisis. Very inspiring! Here’s to other countries following suit soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Serene View Photography by Heather-Joan Carls

    Beautiful! And congrats on being homeowners! We are thinking & praying on be able to purchase a home a home in the Spring but we have a lot of hurdles to cross-obtaining a loan, getting a co-signers, have enough $$$ for a downpayment…yeah. We have two we’re looking at and we’re hoping they are still up for sale in the Spring 🙂
    Hope you’re well. We’re doing well here. We got married in August. I love being married 🙂 🙂 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thank you and congrats on getting married!! Hope you’ll be able to purchase your dream home in the spring!
      Houses here go so fast, it’s crazy – ours literally had one showing and we had several competitors who also wanted to buy it right away. We were very lucky that our bank was the quickest to produce a document saying they’d finance us, or we wouldn’t have got it.


  7. Elise and Life

    The cardigan looks amazing, worth all the hassle with yarn and crazy patterns I’d say! I’ve knit a baby cardi top down before and really liked it, seems like an easier way to make things. Congrats on the house buying! Christmas seems like the perfect time to move in 🙂


    1. Kristina Post author

      Thanks so much, Elise 🙂 For me top-down knitting definitely is way easier than bottom-up. I am so looking forward to spending Christmas in our new home with all the hassle behind us :))


  8. Pingback: baby knits | little home by hand

  9. Pingback: waiting and making | little home by hand

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