this time last year

I was in Canada, on my wwoofing adventure.

babysitting pregnant cows and mamma cows with their babies

having a blast

My life is changing so rapidly right now, the ‘this time last year’ posts might become a regular feature! By the way, this time 2, 3 and 4 years ago I was studying my ass off, so don’t be jealous 😉

Hi Rosalie, you know you were my favourite!

11 thoughts on “this time last year

    1. tidytipsy

      Thank you! Oh, Rosalie was the cheekiest calf of the whole bunch, wherever she was there was trouble 😉 She kept us entertained every day by trying to get out through the gate which we had to open for feeding time. Her poor mamma didn’t have a moment’s rest.


  1. tidytipsy

    Thanks Sarah and Rosa Maria! It was incredible and I can really recomment Wwoofing – I was only in Canada for a months but I would have liked to stay much longer!


  2. bambooska

    When did you go? It wasn’t right now, was it? Love the baby cow. I once went to my great grandmother’s farm and spent a whole month there. I just couldn’t get enough of the animals, it sure marked my childhood forever. 🙂



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